Gentlemen 6-in-1 Tooling Pen

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This versatile 6-in-1 multi-tool pen features multiple tools for a variety of emergency situations: it includes a ballpoint pen, spirit level, ruler, interchangeable screwdrivers, and touch screen stylus. With a black metal finish, this handy gadget will help you out in any emergency situation.

22,50 €


25,00 €

Availability: 5 Items

Tags: penna, bolla, cacciavite, multiuso, multiutensile, righello, livella, pen, multi tool, level, ruler,

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Gentlemen 6-in-1 Tooling Pen

Gentlemen 6-in-1 Tooling Pen

This versatile 6-in-1 multi-tool pen features multiple tools for a variety of emergency situations: it includes a ballpoint pen, spirit level, ruler, interchangeable screwdrivers, and touch screen stylus. With a black metal finish, this handy gadget will help you out in any emergency situation.

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