Brandani porcelain Girella appetizer View larger

Brandani porcelain Girella appetizer

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Quality and elegance, in the form of an appetizer. The white thousand hearts appetizer, in porcelain and bamboo, is ready to confirm its role as a "leader" among the appetizers proposed by BRANDANI gift group. Five compartments and one element ready to accommodate the 5 stainless steel forks, with ceramic knobs. Size: cm 24.5x 4 h Code: :51132

20,30 €

Availability: 2 Items

Tags: brandani, cuore, antipastiera, mille cuori, girella, porcelain, appetizer,

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Brandani porcelain Girella appetizer

Brandani porcelain Girella appetizer

Quality and elegance, in the form of an appetizer. The white thousand hearts appetizer, in porcelain and bamboo, is ready to confirm its role as a "leader" among the appetizers proposed by BRANDANI gift group. Five compartments and one element ready to accommodate the 5 stainless steel forks, with ceramic knobs. Size: cm 24.5x 4 h Code: :51132

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