Egan Le Casette set jars sugar, coffee, salt View larger

Egan Le Casette set jars sugar, coffee, salt

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Set The houses made up of three jars for coffee, salt, sugar. Any jar is in glazed ceramic

art LC02T

dimensions: d. 10 h. 12 cm


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49,90 €

Tags: ceramica, zucchero, sale, pepe, egan, le casette, barattoli, ceramic, coffee, sugar, box, salt, house,

This painted ceramic series is made up of countless useful items for our kitchen: jars, cups, trays, salt shakers, .....

The houses are the prevailing decoration on a white glaze and their nostalgic and stylized shape makes them current and suitable for all tables

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Egan Le Casette set jars sugar, coffee, salt

Egan Le Casette set jars sugar, coffee, salt

Set The houses made up of three jars for coffee, salt, sugar. Any jar is in glazed ceramic

art LC02T

dimensions: d. 10 h. 12 cm


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