Qualy Green apple container

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A convenient container and a tray when needed, simply by overturning the lid equipped with a support for convenient support. Happle is the best apple there is, with its 30 cm in diameter and height and a capacity of 10 liters it will amaze you with its unique and colorful style.

Material: Hard Plastic (ABS & TPE)

53,00 €

Availability: 2 Items

Tags: vassoio, contenitore, frutta, verde, mla, happle, apple, lid, container, green,

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Qualy Green apple container

Qualy Green apple container

A convenient container and a tray when needed, simply by overturning the lid equipped with a support for convenient support. Happle is the best apple there is, with its 30 cm in diameter and height and a capacity of 10 liters it will amaze you with its unique and colorful style.

Material: Hard Plastic (ABS & TPE)

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