Brandani black lamp Stacca & Go

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Brandani Stacca & Go black table lamp magnetic, with charging base for mobile phones

The lamp magically floats when it is turned on detached from the support and the wooden base is also a smartphone charger with active wireless function

Metal rod, wooden base for wireless charging, magnetic connection

Light efficiency 80 LM

84,00 €

Availability: 1 Item

Tags: brandani, design, lampada da tavolo, stacca go, black, lamp, interior design,

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Brandani black lamp Stacca & Go

Brandani black lamp Stacca & Go

Brandani Stacca & Go black table lamp magnetic, with charging base for mobile phones

The lamp magically floats when it is turned on detached from the support and the wooden base is also a smartphone charger with active wireless function

Metal rod, wooden base for wireless charging, magnetic connection

Light efficiency 80 LM

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