Saladini Scarperia Table cigar cutter with olive handle and base View larger

Saladini Scarperia Table cigar cutter with olive handle and base

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Refined table cigar cutter available with an olive base: it has a small hole with a diameter of 12 mm and a large hole of 20 mm that can fit all types of cigar.- ring and body: AISI 304 steel, diam. large hole 20 mm. diam. small hole 10 mm. with external flaring for cutting the cigar head

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117,00 €


130,00 €

Tags: olivo, saladini, scarperia, tagliasigari, sigari, cutter, saladini, scarperia, cigar,

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Saladini Scarperia Table cigar cutter with olive handle and base

Saladini Scarperia Table cigar cutter with olive handle and base

Refined table cigar cutter available with an olive base: it has a small hole with a diameter of 12 mm and a large hole of 20 mm that can fit all types of cigar.- ring and body: AISI 304 steel, diam. large hole 20 mm. diam. small hole 10 mm. with external flaring for cutting the cigar head

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