Egan Laurel Burch Cats Air Freshener

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Egan proposes this perfume diffuser decorated with cats designed by Laurel Burch: the perfumer is complete with sticks.

Does not include perfume

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21,30 €

-1,00 €

22,30 €

Availability: 3 Items

Tags: profumo, bastoncini, profumatore, egan, diffusore, laurel burch, gatti, perfume, diffuser, cats, sticks,

Material: Glazed ceramic
Dimension: 11,5X5X10,5 cm
Treatment: Handwash

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Egan Laurel Burch Cats Air Freshener

Egan Laurel Burch Cats Air Freshener

Egan proposes this perfume diffuser decorated with cats designed by Laurel Burch: the perfumer is complete with sticks.

Does not include perfume

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