Karoto vegetable peeler and sharpener

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Peel, temper and curl carrots, courgettes, cucumbers and other similar vegetables giving color and originality to your table. The karoto has two blades, one for curling using it as a pencil sharpener and the other for peeling. Available in orange colour.

14,40 €

Availability: 7 Items

Tags: verdure, pelapatate, sbucciatore, carote, karoto, temperino, peeler, vegetable, kitchen, carrot,

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Karoto vegetable peeler and sharpener

Karoto vegetable peeler and sharpener

Peel, temper and curl carrots, courgettes, cucumbers and other similar vegetables giving color and originality to your table. The karoto has two blades, one for curling using it as a pencil sharpener and the other for peeling. Available in orange colour.

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