Arti e Mestieri wine corner bottle holder

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Bottle holder with four places reserved for them. Decorated with modern and elegant writing "Wine Corner" and two glasses of wine. With four recesses for a convenient cup holder. Available in mud color

Dimension: 45x10Px45H art.va3410c18
  Material: epoxy powder coated iron

65,55 €


69,00 €

Availability: 2 Items

Tags: ferro, arti e mestieri, wine corner, porta bottiglie, fango, iron, bottle holder,

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Arti e Mestieri wine corner bottle holder

Arti e Mestieri wine corner bottle holder

Bottle holder with four places reserved for them. Decorated with modern and elegant writing "Wine Corner" and two glasses of wine. With four recesses for a convenient cup holder. Available in mud color

Dimension: 45x10Px45H art.va3410c18
  Material: epoxy powder coated iron

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